Using Auxiliary Info ==================== Our base models can also process arbitrary auxiliary information in addition to text, such as style (bolding, italics, etc.), semantics (part-of-speech tags, sentiment tags), or other forms, as long as they describe specific spans of text. .. code-block:: python # First we define the extra features we will be providing, through a dictionary. # We do this by defining values and the defaults that tokens will receive if they are not explicitly labeled. # Auxiliary info can take the form of strings, booleans, floats, or ints. default = {'capitalized':False, 'part_of_speech':'unknown'} # Next we create context tags in a similar format to SequenceLabeling labels, as a list of lists of dictionaries: train_text = ['Intelligent process automation'] train_context = [[ {'text': 'Intelligent', 'capitalized': True, 'end': 11, 'start': 0, 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ'}, {'text': 'process automation', 'capitalized': False, 'end': 30, 'start': 12, 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN'}, ]] # Our input to the model is now a list containing the text, and the context trainX = [train_text, train_context] # Examples with no context must have an empty list as their context assert len(train_text) == len(train_context) # We indicate to the model that we are including auxiliary info by passing our default dictionary in with the default_context kwarg. model = Classifier(default_context=default), trainY)